Lemon Balm is now closed at 76 Parkway.
We'd like to say a huge thank you to all our customers, patients and clients, for your custom, enthusiasm and company over the last two and a half years. We have loved being part of the Parkway community, and hope you will all stay in contact.
Paula will be practicing Herbal Medicine at Belsize Health in Belsize Park, and from other locations to be confirmed. She will continue to make her handmade Herb Tea blends and herbal skincare preparations, which can be ordered direct. A selection of Lemon Balm’s most popular products will also be available from Belsize Health.
If we custom-blended a herbal medicine mix for you, you can still get hold of it. Just contact Paula, who can make it up at our new dispensary.
To book a herbal consultation or order a repeat prescription, just email us at shop@lemonbalmonline.com or call our new number 020 7690 2000.
If you would like to contact one of our other practitioners, look here. And do please join the Lemon Balm mailing list, if you haven’t already, so we can let you know of further developments... And there will be a herb walk soon, so watch out for details on that.