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She has recently completed her BSc Honours degree in Homeopathy at the Centre of Homeopathic Education linked to Middlesex University.
Sonja is dedicated to helping people restore and maintain their health and wellbeing. She was born in Austria but has been living in the UK for the past 25 years.
Practice times….
Sonja will be practicing at Lemon Balm on Mondays from 11-3, though other days and times may be available on request.
• One and a half hours £75
Follow ups 45min £40
• One hour £50.00
Follow up £40.00
Bombay Method (ask for details)
A consultation involves using a magnifying glass and a small torch to look at the patients iris (this is not suitable for people with epileptic tendencies)
The first consultation may take up to 1.5hrs and
- It provides a microscopic map of the body and allows a clear diagnosis by defining the root problem and the best way of correcting it which may be herbal, homeopathic or body work
- it shows up inherent weaknesses in the body
- it can identify why certain organs or organ systems are not working at their optimum – it can even pin point which enzyes may be missing from your digestion; which vertebra is disalinged; if you suffer from adrenal exhaustion etc.
- it can be used as a preventative tool and to strengthen the organ/system before any problems arise
Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine and can help with:
- Improve General Well Being
- Reduce Stress
- Increase Energy
- Minimize Exhaustion
- Eliminate Anxiety
- Stop Insomnia
- Help with emotional problems (anger, irritability, grief, depression etc)
- Resolve or relieve Menstrual Complaints
- Encourage Fertility
- Relieve Headaches and Migraines
- Digestive Problems
- Relief Backache
Sonja also offers the Bombay method which is a specialized homeopathic method used in India which goes deep into the root disturbance of the individual. Both Homeopathy and Iridology take into account the whole person: mental, physical and emotional.