Simon trained at:

The Craniosacral Therapy in Education Trust
The Karuna Institute
The European College of Hypnotherapy

(Simon is a member of the Craniosacral Therapy Association, the General Hypnotherapy Register and the Register of Smoking Cessation Therapists.)

I came across Craniosacral Therapy when my first son was just two days old. He had endured a difficult ventouse birth and was distressed and unable to feed. As new parents, we were very frightened. On advice, we took him to a Craniosacral Therapist and were astonished to see our baby’s distress disappear almost instantly. At the time, I didn’t understand how this was possible but my fascination for Craniosacral Therapy was certainly born.

Practice Times

Simon practices at Lemon Balm on Fridays, 10am-2pm.

Price - £65 per hour
Children (-16) - £45 per session.

Call 020 7267 3334 for appointments, or 07952 088874 if you would like to ask any questions directly. Simon also offers a free half-hour introduction if you prefer to meet in person prior to consultation. Please request this clearly at the time of booking.

Please see also for more information including a FREE, guided meditation download.

Simon also offers Past Life Therapy and classes in Meditation and Self-Hypnosis.

What is Craniosacral Therapy?

Craniosacral Therapy
originated as a small part of Osteopathy, but this non-manipulative, gentle and profound treatment is now a specialist area. Treatment is fully clothed while the therapist gently holds your head or sacrum (or sometimes a specific body part). This is to ‘listen’ to fluid movements within your body, which express like a tide, almost as a separate expression of breathing within us. We sometimes refer to this as Primary Respiration. Primary Respiration is considered to be the movement of health, wholeness and well-being in the human body, as it seems to be the force that organises and re-creates us in each moment.

Is it suitable for babies?

Many people have heard of the benefits of Craniosacral Therapy for babies and children. The effects of birth can result in colic, sucking problems, breathing difficulties, restlessness, irritability and more. Young systems often process such difficulties remarkably quickly. This is a non-verbal language to which they respond wonderfully well.

Why Biodynamic?
The word biodynamic derives from the study of embryology and refers to the forces in the fluids that shape the embryo. In a Biodynamic approach we orient the body to a place of stillness and balance to release held forces that can lead to discomfort or dis-ease, in a gentle and safe manner, following only the direction, the timing and the needs of your body, helping it to seek its own path to health.

What does it feel like?
The feeling is different for everybody. Some people feel tingling or subtle movements. For many, Craniosacral Therapy is often experienced as deep relaxation, like accessing a meditative state whilst the body seeks innate healing.

Bach Flowers are the perfect companion to other complementary therapies – and as a supplement to standard western medical treatment. Dr Edward Bach was a doctor, a homeopath and a leading bacteriologist. However, it is his use of particular wild flowers for healing (working similarly to homeopathy) that has become his lasting legacy. Bach flower remedies are entirely benign, making them suitable for adults and children alike.