Vya has been practising holistic massage since 1993. Passionate about bodywork and therapeutic body techniques she went on to train and practise in 'Polarity and La Stone Therapy', working directly with the energy systems of the body.

Her life experience has brought her to a place of understanding, empathy and compassion which compliments her work as a therapist. Polarity with Vya is a wonderful way to heal from the inside out and to reconnect with who we really are. Vya uses bodywork to balance and harmonise the organs and nervous system. Working with the five energy centres allows the body to restore its inate wisdom and balance... having been stimulated to move forward using light and deep or stimulating forms of touch.

Vya's treatments are relaxing, restorative and energising. She may also provide health building and cleansing dietary advice if appropriate. Vya's treatments are suitable for all ages and help to release stagnation, congestion and open up the energy flow. They can help with nervous, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and gynaecological problems.

All the treatments Vya offers produce deep relaxation and energising responses, balancing the mind, body and spirit. For the last 13 years Vya has been working running her own practise at The Arcturus Clinic in Totnes Devon.

Vya is a mother of three children who has been on her own journey of healing and discovery for many years. She brings a wealth of experience and positive energy to each client session and believes the route to integrated healing is to be fully present in our bodies living from our hearts in an open and honest way…

“being in our body is so important if we want to ground our spirituality”.

At present Vya is training in 'Bowen Technique' and aims to be qualified to practise by October 2008. If you are interested in receiving a Bowen treatment, Vya is offering sessions on a purely donation basis until she is fully accredited.

Vya is a member of 'The Complimentary Therapist Association' which confirms her fully insured status and therefore your well being while receiving treatments.

Practice Times

Vya practices at Lemon Balm on
Tuesdays 10-2
Wednesdays 10-2, though other days and times may be available on request.

To see specific therapies available and their prices, consult the Lemon Balm
Treatment List and look at Vya's treatment list. To book a session call the shop on 020 7267 3334.

For further information contact Vya Freeman on:

Mobile: +44(0)7786 064564
Tel: +44(0)20 77267 3334
Email: vya@vyafreeman.com